About us
We are a team of educational management professionals who joined forces upon discovering the plight of many families across Hispanoamerica due to inadequate educational legislation in their countries. Our journey began by providing legal support to institutions continent-wide, eager to secure deserved recognition for their early, primary, middle and high school distance learning. Accredited and nonprofit, our initial goal was to certify this homeschooling alternatives, offering the legal and educational benefits of an American certification, ensuring their students had optimal access to higher education, whether in their home countries or in the United States.
We soon received requests for other established schools across the Spanish-speaking world that could also benefit from an American Classical High School certification. We developed a proposal for schools worldwide to offer their students a virtual study alternative based on our curriculum, allowing them to access the wisdom inherited from the classics and obtain a high school certification from a US private school.
Now, we also promote projects for the establishment of in-person affiliated schools with an approach suitable to the identity of each region. For this, we need more support than ever, as a nonprofit organization based on faith, we cannot obtain governmental funding, and we trust that God’s providence will soften the hearts of all good souls.